Assist. Prof. Dr. Roberto Merli

Roberto Merli, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor at the Department of Business Studies, Roma Tre University and senior researcher at QUIS - Quality Innovation and Sustainability Laboratory. He is teaching Technology innovation and sustainable production at postgraduate levels. His research activity is mainly carried out within the fields of Environmental Management Systems, Eco-labels, Corporate Social Responsibility, Quality management, Customer Satisfaction, Certifications (ISO 9001 and 14001, SA8000, OHSAS 18001). He has published widely on these topics in international journals, conference proceedings and books.

Merli, R., Preziosi, M., & Acampora, A. (2018). How do scholars approach the circular economy? A systematic literature review. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 178, 703-722.

Merli, R., Preziosi, M., Acampora, A., & Ali, F. (2019). Why should hotels go green? Insights from guests experience in green hotels. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT, 81, 169-179.

He is recently been nominated as Delegate of the Department of Business Studies of Roma Tre University, in the University Inter-Faculty Commission for the development of all the initiatives related with the UN 2030 Agenda. He is a qualified accountant from 1995, ISO14001 auditor from 2004, and co-founder and major shareholder of a spinoff company, active in environmental, quality and safety consultancy and training.


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