23rd Annual ISDRS Conference – Bogotá, Colombia, 14th -16th of June, 2017


Proceedings: The Proceedings and the Book of Abstract of the conference are available here.

Track Summaries: Summaries and key messages of the tracks can be found here: SESSION SUMMARIES

23rd ISDRS group picture

The 2017 ISDRS Conference in Bogotá, Colombia, was an inspiring event in the vibrant capital of Colombia. Please visit for more information:  http://isdrs2017.sites.exordo.com

The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) was held on June 14-16 in Bogotá, Colombia; hosted by the Universidad de los Andes School of Management (UASM)!

Inclusive Sustainability for Development:
How to engage academy, government, communities and business

The ISDRS 2017 Core Themes were:

Theme I.   Sustainable Development Science
Theme II.  Ecosystem Pressures and Limits
Theme III. Climate Change and Energy
Theme IV. Sustainable Land Use & Sustainable Cities
Theme V.  Sustainability: Transitions and Innovations in Organisations
Theme VI. Society, Quality of Life and Sustainability
Theme VII. Institutions and Governance Structures for Sustainable Development

ISDRS Special tracks:

  • 0a Sustainable development in post-conflict countries
  • 0b Indigenous, afro, and rural communities involvement with sustainability
  • 0c Art & sustainability
  • 0d Water governance
  • 0e Economic instruments and policies for sustainability