About the ISDRS NPG Mentorship Programme:
The main goal of the ISDRS Mentorship Programme is to connect senior academics (mentor) with junior academics (mentee) in a meaningful way, and thereby creating a mutual benefit, and cementing a stronger relationship between all involved: the new professionals, the senior ones, and within ISDRS as a whole.
Applications for the ISDRS New Professionals Group’s Mentorship Programme are now closed. We will be announcing the start of the 2022 programme and information in the autumn of 2021
First Status Report on Community-led Action on Sustainability and Climate Change in Europe: This report shows how local communities are catalysing social, economic and ecological transformation in Europe!
The New Professionals Group aims to be a platform for early-stage researchers working with sustainable development. Our main event is the annual PhD workshop at the ISDRS conferences, but we are always looking for activities that will strengthen our community.
Do you or your organisation want to be involved with the New Professionals Group? Please follow us on LinkedIn at ISDRS New Professionals Group.
Past activity:
July 2021
ISDRS Mentorship Programme: Internal event on career paths, EU funding and collaborations - Brigitta Jaksa, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden
Research Advisor and International coordinator of EU research funding, development & innovation projects, collaborative education/teaching projects, network building, strategic internationalization
The 27th annual ISDRS Conference
NPG Mentorship Programme Mingle – Mentees and Mentors of the programme met in an informal setting to network and discuss career paths and challenges and opportunities with mentorships.
October 2021
ISDRS Mentorship Programme: Inspirational event with members of the Young Academy of Sweden - Sofia Lodén, Mia Liinason, and Philippe Tassin
A panel of members of the Young Academy of Sweden from different disciplines shared their experiences on how they have shaped their careers; what experiences have been challenging/rewarding and what strategies have been successful?
Next conference
Keep up to date with developments of ISDRS 2023 tracks and themes here
“Half-way through Agenda 2030: Assessing the 5Ps of SDGs (people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership)“
The aim of the workshop is to support early career researchers working on sustainable development related topics by providing them with an arena for discussion of their on-going research projects with peers and senior academics. Any early career researcher attending the ISDRS Conference is eligible to register for this PhD workshop, once their abstract is accepted and conference fees are paid.

Who are we?
Group leaders
Saurabh Biswas,
Xin Liu,
Agnieszka Stefaniec,
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