Circular Economy/Industrial Ecology Group Sessions and Outputs
2018-2021 Circular Economy: Sustainability implications and guiding progress (CRESTING), Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN 2018-2021project. PI Pauline Deutz, CIs Rupert Baumgartner, Sandra Caeiro, Sabrina Demine-Brullot, Andrew Jonas, Andrea Raggi, Tatiana Reyes, Tomás Ramos Roberta Salomone, Walter Vermeulen.
Edited book
Deutz P, Lyons D. and Jun B. (Eds) 2015 International Perspective on Industrial Ecology. Cheltenham UK, Northampton, MA USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Journal special issues (referenced by editorials)
Lombardi, D.R, Lyons, Donald I, Shi, Han; Agarwal, A. 2012, Industrial Symbiosis. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 16 (1) Pages: 2-7.
Lyons, D. and Deutz, P. 2010. Regional sustainable development: Making development work in politically contingent space. Sustainable Development 18 183-186.
Deutz, P. and Frostick, L.E. (2009) Reconciling policy, practice and theorisations of waste management: Editorial. The Geographical Journal 175 (4) 247-250.
Deutz, P. and Lyons, D.I. (2008) Editorial: industrial symbiosis – An environmental perspective on regional development. Regional Studies, 42 (10) 1295-1298.
Deutz, P., Lyons, D., Gibbs, D. and Jackson, T. (2007) Editorial to double special issue of Progress in Industrial Ecology: Industrial ecology and regional development, v. 4 (3/4) p. 155-163.
Conference sessions
2017 Bogotá, Colombia
Circular economy, industrial ecology (resource management and sustainable regional economic development) Andrea Cecchin & Pauline Deutz
2016 Lisbon, Portugal
Circular economy, industrial ecology (resource management and sustainable regional economic development) Pauline Deutz
2015 Geelong, Australia
Industrial ecology: innovation for the next generation, Pauline Deutz and Damien Giurco
2014 Trondheim, Norway,
Circular economy, industrial ecology and industrial symbiosis, Pauline Deutz and Don Lyons
2013 Stellenbosch, South Africa
Innovation, value chains and sustainable production and consumption Fernando Diaz Lopez, Ralph Hamann, Johan Jansson and Don Lyons
2012 Hull, UK
1. Resource strategies: Industrial ecology, waste management, material cycles, and life cycle analysis Rupert Baumgartner
2. Regional sustainability: economic development and industrial symbiosis Don Lyons and Frank Boons
2011 New York
1. Material Cycles Pauline Deutz and Don Lyons
2. Industrial ecology, sustainable production and sustainable global production chains Rupert Baumgartner
2010 Hong Kong, China
1. Industrial symbiosis, eco‐industrial parks and eco‐industrial networking and regional sustainability, Abhishek Agarwal, Jaspal Marwah, Geng Yong and Yong Un Ban;
2. International perspectives on Industrial Ecology and the Circular Economy
(Pauline Deutz and Don Lyons)
3. Current Challenges in Industrial Ecology; Rupert Baumgartner
2009 Utrecht, Netherlands
1. Industrial symbiosis and regional development Deutz, Randall, Lyons and Agarwal
2. Clean products and production: implementing Zero Emission, cradle2cradle and Eco-design strategies Han Brezet and Rupert Baumgartner
2008 New Delhi, India
Regional Sustainable Development, Don Lyons and Pauline Deutz
2007 Västerås, Sweden
How can industrial ecology contribute to regional sustainability? Jouni Korhonen and Matti Melanen
2006 Hong Kong
Industrial symbiosis, eco-industrial parks and eco-industrial networking Pauline Deutz and Don Lyons
2005 Helsinki
Industrial Ecology and Regional Development Pauline Deutz, Don Lyons, David Gibbs and Tony Jackson