ISDRS “Best Sustainable Development Article Award”
Best article award nominations for 2023 are open!
The ISDRS serves as a central knowledge hub on research in sustainable development. To strengthen our role, we identify and honour the best research paper written every year. With this we intend to further stimulate solid research, but also their applicability to support introduction of solutions to our immense challenges. We will work with a participatory approach: everyone connected to the ISDRS can suggest nominations for such a ‘best research article’. A Jury with decide on a short list of nominated papers and after that again ISDRS members will vote to select the best article. The winners will be honoured during our annual Conference.
Article Criteria
- 1. The article has been published (including online early view versions) in the preceding year in a scientific peer-reviewed journal, accepted by commonly used scientific literature databases (like ISI, Scopus, etc.);
- 2. The articles should be in English (For the time being we do not have the capacity to assess articles on diverse languages - which might be one option for the future).
- 3. The content of the article addresses a sustainable development topic with an inter-disciplinary or transdisciplinary perspective;
- 4. The article makes a well-defined contribution to academic debates and shows awareness of the complex nature of sustainable development;
- 5. The article offers or at least provides hints for possible solutions to sustainability problems;
- 6. The article enables positive societal impacts, bridging between science and society.
These criteria are endorsed and can be further developed by the ISDRS Executive Committee.