Board Member

DR. Malin Gawell

Associate Professor

Södertörn University, Sweden.

Social Entrepreneurship, social enterprise and civil society. 

Malin Gawell has a PhD and is associate professor in business administration. Her main research interests are related to social entrepreneurship, social enterprises and civil society. Among other things, she has written about activists’ entrepreneurship, social enterprises in Sweden and the Nordic countries. Malin has also studied these types of ventures in international contexts, currently through a partnership with University of Rwanda as well as Kyiv School of Economics. 

Malin is also involved in research and collaboration initiatives related to the urban setting. Here different roles and ways of collaborations are in focus. Issues such as social responsibility, inclusion, resilience and capability to contribute to a sustainable development are addressed. 

She publishes articles, book chapters and has editied books in Swedish and English. She furthermore write policy reports and reports for practisioners. She is engaged in PhD training and supervision, as well as teaching Master students.