Report on track 5c: Circular Economy and Zero Waste
Chaired by Pauline Deutz and Andrea Raggi
There was a keen interest in Circular Economy (CE) at this year’s ISDRS conference. The talks and posters (referred to collectively as papers) covered the spectrum of approaches to the field ranging from product specific LCA to consideration of social implications of a CE. Case studies covered a range of products/locations. Most papers positioned themselves in the context of the CE; some were explicitly addressing industrial symbiosis. These sessions were well attended and sparked some lively debate. Herein we briefly review the major themes to come out of the sessions.
A strong theme of LCA reflected the association of the conference with the Italian LCA Network conference that immediately preceded it. These included both developments to LCA as a method and applications of LCA to specific case studies. Sonetti and Lombardi are developing a multi-criteria decision making tool to add in the incorporation of sustainability and environmental factors in LCA using alterative roofing materials as their case study. Bellan et al discussed the implications of a given methodological approach in LCA modelling (system boundary expansion) to assess CE scenarios. They found that the additional environmental burdens caused by sewage waste purification for use of the sludge as a fertilizer can be justified when the environmental benefits of avoiding alternative fertilizers is included. Similarly, Notarnicola et al. (presented by Renzulli) extended system boundaries in time to analyse the impact of landfilling non-hazardous industrial waste after the landfill has closed. Biogas emissions and the impact of the clay covering were key considerations. Brondi et al. applied the consequential LCA to identify the environmental impacts and benefits of extracting cellulose from citrus peels to obtain a textile fibre substitute for cotton or viscose. Despite some uncertainty parameters in the scenario assessment, results seem to suggest that a high value added product can be obtained resulting in benefits to the environment. A number of papers applied LCA to ceramic tile production including working with a company to assess how to incorporate economic and social issues, in the framework of a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) (Volpi et al); in another industrial collaboration the impacts of a tile made from up 80% scrap material were assessed; moreover, a newly developed Material Circularity Indicator was implemented to that product (Di Domenico et al.). Ansaloni et al. are part of a collaborative university-industry collaboration to investigate the use of urban glass waste and construction and demolition waste in making tiles. LCA is being used to investigate the environmental implications.
Regional-scale approaches to industrial symbiosis were also discussed by several speakers. Some of these were focused on specific agricultural or industrial sectors. Romani et al (presented by Paiano) are examining the viability of using bio-refineries to recover residues from olive oil mills on a regional scale. Both energy and chemical compounds for use in industry (polyphenols) could potentially be recovered. Esposito et al (presented by Rapa) proposed the use of anaerobic digestion to recover energy from wine production residues. The sale of the energy would be important to the financial viability of the scheme, which implies the collaboration of the wine producers. Another regional approach was that of Acampora et al. However, this study was a broader based study examining options for collaborative efficiencies in the tourist industry. The case study region is an example of an Ecologically Equipped Productive Area, a cluster model introduced in Italy by regulation.
Several studies focused on improving company efficiency in the context of a CE were presented. Ormazabal et al. (presented by Jaca) reviewed potential approaches for CE application for SMEs, considering the wide range of product development and production activities involved. Drawing on workshops with companies, Jaca et al. examined tools and techniques by which SMEs could implement
some of these approaches. Conversely, Del Grosso et al. reported on a specific multinational company’s (involved in the production of packaging components for personal care products) efforts to achieve zero waste to landfill across several production facilities. Brunnhofer and Pessl examined options for the application of IT solutions to achieve efficiencies for companies. They used interviews to find company responses to suggestions from the literature, and in the process uncovered some novel suggestions. Planko et al. are working with companies in an industrial area of Amsterdam to test an approach to building strategic networks (company, government, end users) to promote industrial symbiosis.
The involvement of technology and technical innovation in aspects of the CE was a further theme to emerge. In one case (Brunnhofer and Pessl) the study related to the use of IT applications and big data to achieve energy and resource efficiencies. Two papers relate to technical developments around the recovery of minerals from residues. Di Maria and Van Acker were undertaking an LCA to assess the environmental impacts of alternative energy intensive strategies for recovering goethite from the residues of zinc production, and the current option which is typically landfill. This contrasts to Deutz et al. who are examining the governance of recovering vanadium from steel slag and the conflicts of interest arising from the complexities of responsibilities and ownership of the slag shared by different stakeholders.
The engagement of consumers with the CE was considered by three papers. Two of these were presented by early stage researchers in the Circ€uit (‘Circular European Economy ITN’) based at the University of Leiden, NL. Chamberlin is studying how companies can communicate the circularity of their products to consumers. This involves considering the points at which consumers interface with companies and the types/sources of information which consumers are prepared to trust. Working specifically on the toy sector, Camacho-Otero et al. are examining consumer attitudes to the use of non-virgin material in toys. The third paper to draw on consumers’ perspectives was Ansaloni et al. in their study of the potential for using waste materials in tiles. Their survey indicated a positive attitude; even a willingness to pay extra for a product seen as environmental.
Other papers addressing social aspects of the CE were Mies and Gold, Hild, Deutz et al. and Planko et al. Mies and Gold conducted a literature review of papers intersecting with CE and social aspects of sustainability. The key themes to emerge from that included work and the rights of workers in a CE. Institutional and practice barriers to establishment of a CE were considered by Hild in the context of Luxembourg. Using the auto supply and building sectors as case studies, she has conducted interviews to assess how industry and other stakeholders respond to the new political vision as policy makers seek to adopt a CE. Deutz et al. gave an overview of Cresting (Circular economy: sustainability implications and guiding progress), a new ITN based in Hull, UK which will be training early stage researchers in preparation for careers in CE research. Finally, as mentioned above, Planko et al. are investigating the building of a business network for collaborative waste management.
In conclusion, these sessions indicate that there is a lively interest in CE research in the ISDRS network. A range of methods being employed to tackle a wide range of approaches. These range from an individual company reporting on its own activity to social science studies of sustainability implications. LCA approaches are being combined with surveys and interviews to gain insight into behaviour and attitudes. Topics such as industrial symbiosis, waste reduction and waste diversion remain popular, with studies at different geographic scales and focusing on different industrial sectors. A strong interest in social issues in the CE is emerging, with two ITNs tackling different aspects of these and other researchers too examining impacts and institutions in a CE.
Acampora Alessia, Tiberio Daddi, Roberto Merli, Michele Preziosi, From linear to circular tourism: the case study of an Italian Ecologically Equipped Productive Area, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 459-466.
Ansaloni Francesco, Francesco Radica, Paola Stabile, Eleonora Paris, Ecological tiles from urban waste glass and construction & demolition waste, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 442-453.
Bellan Martina, Giacomo Magatti, Stefano Tani, Marina Camatini , Expanding system boundaries in LCA studies to support Circular Economy models: the example of the wastewater treatment plants in Milan, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 110.
Brondi Carlo, Simone Cornago, Giacomo Falcone, Mario Malinconico, Andrea Ballarino, Consequential LCA of the implementation of the circular economy in the fashion supply chain: the Italian case of the “Orange Fiber” technology, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 109
Brunnhofer Magdalena, Ernst Pessl, Analysis of environmental potential by implementing Industry 4.0 with a special focus on energy, resources and recycling, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 107.
Camacho-Otero Juana, Ida Nilstad Pettersen, Casper Boks, Changing the game: consumer perceptions and factors of acceptance for circular solutions in the toy sector, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 108
Chamberlin Lucy, Working paper: ‘Designing communications for a circular economy: information design and narratives for social change’, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 524-535.
Del Grosso Michele, Alberto Simboli, Nando Cutarella, Andrea Raggi, Zero waste to landfill and the circular economy approach. The Aptar case-study, The 24th International Sustainable Development
Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 536-542.
Deutz Pauline, Rupert Baumgartner, Sandra Caeiro, Sabrina Dermine-Brullot, Andrew Jonas, Andrea Raggi, Tomás Ramos, Tatiana Reyes, Roberta Salomone, Walter J.V. Vermeulen, Julia Affolderbach, Learning how to explore the sustainability implications of the circular economy, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 113.
Deutz Pauline, Helen Baxter, David Gibbs,Governing flows in the circular economy, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 112
Di Domenico Mirca, Andrea Morfino, Paul Brands, Lorenzo Valeriani, Valeria Tripi, Silvia Serri, LCA study for a ‘circular’ ceramic tile, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 485-497.
Di Maria Andrea, Karel Van Acker, Zero-waste strategy in the metals sector: an environmental evaluation of an innovative recycling process for zinc-production residues. The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 117.
Esposito Andrea, Giuliana Vinci, Fabrizio D’Ascenzo, Mattia Rapa, Roberto Ruggieri, Industrial symbiosis to improve zero waste production system: middle Italy wine district case study, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 477-484.
Hild Paula, The implementation of Circular Economy policies: A challenge for institutions and practices, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 116.
Jaca Carmen, Vanessa Prieto-Sandoval, Jesús Alvarez, Marta Ormazabal,The use of tools and techniques for Circular Economy implementation by SMEs: an exploratory study, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 512-523.
Mies Annika, Stefan Gold, Exploring the social dimension of Circular Economy, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 111.
Notarnicola Bruno, Giuseppe Tassielli, Pietro Renzulli, Francesco Lasigna, Giovanna Leone, Rosa Di Capua, Life Cycle Assessment of a Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste Treatment System, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 498-511.
Ormazabal Marta, Vanessa Prieto-Sandoval, Javier Santos, Carmen Jaca, How can we identify circular economy opportunities in SMEs? A case study, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 467-476.
Planko Julia, Simon De Rijke, Maryse Chappin , Strategic system building as tool to increase collaboration and efficiency in the circular economy - a case study of the collaborative waste project ‘Amsterdam Zuidoost Circulair’, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 115.
Romani Annalisa, Annarita Paiano, Manuela Ciani Scarnicci, Arianna Scardigli, Giovanni Lagioia, Designing a circular economy model from the olive mill waste, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 430-441.
Sonetti Giulia, Patrizia Lombardi, Integrating LCA and MCDA for a comprehensive appraisal of different kind of building roofs, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Papers, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-6-6, pp. 395-406.
Volpi Lucrezia, Davide Settembre Blundo, Fernando Enrique García-Muiña, Anna Maria Ferrari, Life cycle assessment of a ceramic tiles manufacturing: strategies for circular economy, The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference (ISDRS 2018), Actions for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, 13-15 June 2018, Messina, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Edited by: The Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference, ISBN 978-88-943228-1-1, p. 114