ISDRS Newsletter

ISDRS Newsletter

The ISDRS Newsletter is sent to all registered Followers and Green members on a quarterly basis.

We welcome contributions to the newsletter and announcements of relevant activities.

The editorial board consists of the following board members:

  • Olawale Olayide
  • Marlen Arnold

Followers and Green members are invited to share innovative, creative and critical ideas about about the further enhancement of sustainable development in a short essay form.

The ideal length is between 500-2000 words, the article must be in English and follow the general rules of academic publishing. We also welcome articles and essays which fill the gap between journal/conference abstracts and official journal publications.

Please send your contribution in a word document and provide any images, graphs or maps in a separate media file (jpeg or similar).

Submit an article
please email: and
Next Newsletter: April 2024
Deadline 30 April 2024